How to Deal With a Chipped Tooth

How to Deal With a Chipped Tooth

Chipped tooth

A chipped tooth may look like a minor cosmetic issue, but it can have serious consequences for the health of your teeth. When the edge of a tooth breaks, it cuts into the soft tissues in the mouth. This can cause a painful infection or worsen an existing one. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to minimize the damage.

First, try to avoid chewing on hard foods. This can aggravate a fractured tooth and increase the risk of more damage. Instead, try eating soft foods. If you are unsure how to do this, you can call a dentist for advice. They can help you decide how to treat the crack.

Your dentist may recommend a root canal to save a damaged tooth. A root canal involves removing the pulp, the innermost layer of the tooth. This area contains nerve fibers and blood vessels. If the pulp is damaged, the nerve will die. A root canal can be painful and can also cause further damage. In cases of severe damage, a tooth may need to be removed.

If you are unable to see the broken tooth, your dentist can use x-rays to determine the extent of the damage. If the crack is deep, it may require a dental crown or veneer. A dentist can also cover the chip with dental wax to prevent further damage.

If you have a small chip, you might be able to fix it yourself. Depending on the size of the chip, your dentist can polish the tooth to smooth its edges. Over-the-counter pain relievers can ease the discomfort and reduce swelling. Victorville Dentist Until you have a dentist appointment, you can cover the jagged edge of the tooth with a tea bag, sugarless gum, or even wax paraffin. However, be aware that if the chip is more than a couple of millimeters wide, it may require a tooth splint, which works much like a butterfly bandage.

If you are experiencing severe symptoms such as pain or sensitivity, it’s time to go to the dentist. In addition to the pain, you may notice swelling and a noticeable change in the appearance of the tooth. If you can, rinse your mouth with warm salt water to prevent an infection. You can also brush and floss to remove food particles from the chipped tooth. During your appointment, your dentist will check your tooth for any signs of cavities or hidden damage.

You can also cover the tooth with a cap to protect it. This is a simple, low-cost way to repair a chip. You can pick up materials at the drug store or at your local dentist’s office. If the chip is not too big, you can fill it with resin or other bonding material. The material will need to cure before it can be shaped.

In cases of large or severe damage, your dentist may recommend a root canal. This is a treatment for damaged roots or pulp. A root canal is designed to kill bacteria and protect the tooth from further damage.